Create a lasting friendship
Our telephone, online and face-to-face befriending services for older people across Britain helps tackle feelings of loneliness and isolation.

A listening and supportive companion
Our befriending service is a flexible and confidential service that matches you with a compassionate volunteer. You can choose how often and how long you want to chat with your friend, either by phone, online, or face-to-face*.
In some cases, befrienders may also be able to support older people to settle back at home and regain their independence following discharge from hospital.
*Subject to geographical availability

Bringing communities together
Our befriending service is more than just a service. It is a community of older people and volunteers who care for each other and enjoy each other’s company. By joining our befriending service, you can make new friends, stay connected to your community, and improve your quality of life.
Telephone & online befriending
A regular conversation (usually weekly) over the phone or online chat with a carefully matched volunteer. Offered throughout Britain and is ideal for older people who prefer to stay at home or have limited mobility.
Check & chat
A shorter conversation (usually monthly) to provide a reassuring regular contact. This is a popular service for those who appreciate light touch support and can also be a steppingstone into befriending.
A friendship building service to bring together like-minded people via telephone or online, supported by a trained volunteer.
Write good friends
Share letters, email, or instant messaging with a friendly volunteer.
LGBTQ+ telephone befriending
Supporting older people who may identify as LGBTQ+ and are at greater risk of loneliness and depression, or would benefit from talking to a volunteer about the LGBTQ+ community.
Face-to-face befriending
Enjoy activities with a volunteer who visits you regularly. You can chat, have tea and cake, play cards, or anything else. The befriender will listen and help you find other support if needed. Subject to geographical availability.

I love the calls from my volunteer she is so lovely, we hit it off from the very start she has given me confidence to go out again I meet my friend for coffee once a week. I look forward to the calls but so does she!
Befriending recipient
I have no one at all, no friends, family or anyone around to help so the calls I receive have made a massive difference in my life. I have been receiving them for three years now.
Befriending recipient
I enjoy my volunteering; I also enjoy speaking with my telephone friend. We get on well. I lost my darling wife 13 years ago, volunteering helps me to fill the gap with my loss. I also like to feel I maybe helping someone less fortunate than myself
Volunteer befriender
I’m a lot less socially isolated, and I’ve increased my social confidence such that I have joined two book clubs. My befriender is really lovely and the calls are the highlight of my week. It has helped me by giving a framework to my week and I enjoy the range of topics we cover.
Befriending recipient
Being a telephone befriender has helped me massively in my own life. It gives me more confidence and I look forward to making my phone call every week.
Volunteer befriender
Ready to find friendship and end loneliness?
Receive support from a befriender
Are you looking for a friendly chat or a visit from someone who listens and understands you? Register your interest to receive more information about our befriending services.
Become a volunteer befriender
By registering to become a face-to-face or telephone/online befriender, you can help older people in your local community and beyond to feel more connected, valued and happy.
Got a question?
Do you have a question about our befriending services? Contact our befriending team for more information.

Support our work
As a national charity, our befriending service can only be delivered by the charitable support of our volunteers, fundraisers and corporate partnerships. We need the support of amazing people like you to continue our work and enable even more people to live later life well.