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Show Us You Care: General Election 2024

Social care is in crisis. Nearly half a million people are waiting for a care assessment, while there are 152,000 vacancies in the sector.

This can’t go on, we need to Fix Care For All so that every older person can live later life well.

Help us Fix Care For All

Social care is in crisis. Nearly half a million people are waiting for a care assessment, while there are 152,000 staff vacancies in the sector.

After successive governments have failed to act, this can’t go on. We need to make sure that every older person can live later life well.

Our one message to every politician is: show us you care.

MHA Communities Test Valley Cheerleaders

Our asks are clear

  • Sustainable, long-term funding for social care. A more substantive long-term funding package is needed, to deliver a continuum of care, covering a wide choice of services from community support groups through to high-needs residential care. A long-term plan for funding is essential to the sustainability of social care providers.
  • Fully funded, fair pay to better value care professionals. There must be a fundamental shift in pay and conditions for people who work in care- it is essential that this is fully funded.
  • Ensure unified voice for the care profession by creating a Social Care Council. This would address issues of recruitment and retention, increase pride in care work as a profession and ultimately drive-up quality.
Sam Monaghan reaction to the interim report on review into operational effectiveness of the Care Quality Commission (CQC)
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Sam Monaghan reaction to the interim report on review into operational effectiveness of the Care Quality Commission (CQC)

Celebrations at MHA Waterside House  as resident turns 100 with glamorous party
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Celebrations at MHA Waterside House as resident turns 100 with glamorous party

MHA Heather Grange raises more than £550 with Hawaiian themed summer fete
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MHA Heather Grange raises more than £550 with Hawaiian themed summer fete