Help and advice

Observing Ramadan in later life

3 minutes
A lantern burns brightly in the dark.

  1. When Ramadan is approaching, an important thing to do is plan ahead. Work out a schedule early on to make sure you have time for rest, daily exercise, prayer and meals. Try to plan meals and shopping in advance too. If you can’t get out of the house, you could try getting your food shopping delivered online, family and friends might be able to help or shopping volunteers.
  2. Try to save your energy. If you do any physical activity, avoid peak hours in the sun and stay in the shade.
  3. Ramadan is a great chance to reach out to someone you haven't spoken to in a while or to keep in touch with people. Especially as you might be feeling tired and hungry but connecting with others might give you the boost you need to keep going and stay motivated.
  4. When thinking about food, ensure you always have the Sehri (morning) meal try to eat high-energy food like oats, nuts, and dates. Remember not to over-eat at Iftar (a period when breaking your fast in the evening). Avoid fried and fatty foods. Try to have the meal at Sehri just before sunrise, not at midnight. This will spread out your energy intake more evenly during the day. There’s further guidance on having a healthy fasting period from the British Nutrition Foundation.
  5. Health experts suggest a small walk after breaking the fast which helps in activating blood circulation and relaxing muscles.
  6. Remember to keep hydrated during breaks in fasting. Choose sugar-free types of fizzy drinks, decaffeinated drinks, and cordials or water. Avoid adding sugar to hot drinks; use a sweetener if needed.
  7. Most importantly, remember to be kind to yourself during this time.