Two women sat on a garden bench, one is a female care assistant and the other is an older lady wearing a red jacket

Equality & diversity

At MHA, our ambition is to become sector leaders in promoting equality, diversity and inclusion.

What is our approach to equality & diversity?

Male activities co-ordinator posing for a photo in the garden

Our EDI strategy is underpinned by three core values

Our organisational values - respect, nurture and inspire - lays a solid foundation that underpins our need to develop a specific EDI Strategy. 

Our strategy aims to ensure that:

  • We will embrace the diversity of all our people: colleagues, volunteers, residents, members, visitors, and everyone associated with MHA 
  • We will create a harmonious environment, accessible to all, reflective of the communities in which we work where people are comfortable to be themselves and to be able to realise their full potential
  • We will challenge inequality in all its forms and will promote dignity, respect, and understanding within MHA and our wider community
  • We will attract, select and retain a talented and diverse pool of people to work at MHA and will value the contributions made by everyone.

Our EDI strategy objectives

The first objective is about knowing our people, be they colleagues, volunteers, service users or residents.

The story so far

Under the first EDI strategy we updated our monitoring systems to align with the Office of National Statistics' 2021 census, to be able to benchmark our performance against national standards.

We were also able to improve our understanding of the make-up of MHA's workforce in terms of protected characteristics, and this is in no small part thanks to you! We asked you to volunteer information about your gender, race, disability etc. on mymha and your response has been overwhelmingly positive: our completion rates for equality monitoring data have jumped from 33% in 2020 to 68% by 2023.

So what's next?

Now we want to further develop our processes for data collection and analysis, and produce regular EDI reports or "health checks". These can be used to inform planning and policy decisions across the charity and further embed EDI into the MHA way.

We also want to get our equality monitoring data as close to 100% completion as possible. The more we understand the make-up of our people, the better can plan how we deliver our services and respond to the needs of people from different backgrounds, be they colleagues, volunteers, residents or members.

We want to know precisely where our challenges lie and address them head on. We also want to know where we are performing above average and take the opportunity to celebrate.

By the end of this strategy we want everyone at MHA to feel recognised and understood at MHA.

Championing our uniqueness

Berwick Grange chef
Chaplain and male resident talking
Bradley Court - residents singing session with chaplain
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