two women sitting at a kitchen table, engaged in a joyful conversation while looking at a brochure or magazine

Navigating care

We recognise that moving a loved one into full-time care is a very emotive decision. Whether you're researching for yourself, a family member, or a friend, understanding the ins and outs of long-term care can be like navigating a dense forest. But fear not! We're here to help break it down, answer your questions, and empower you to make informed decisions.

  1. Help and advice
    What is Advance Care Planning?
    5 minutes

    What is Advance Care Planning?

  2. Help and advice
    What support is available for unpaid carers?
    4 minutes

    What support is available for unpaid carers?

  3. Help and advice
    Wellbeing support for unpaid carers
    3 minutes

    Wellbeing support for unpaid carers

elderly female hands pointing at a page in a brochure

We're with you all the way

Making decisions about long-term care can feel overwhelming, but you don’t have to do it alone. Our free downloadable booklet provides clear, practical information to help you understand your options, answer key questions, and guide you through the process with confidence.

Get your copy today and take the next step towards making informed choices for yourself or a loved one.

Download booklet
Female resident sat in chair laughing and looking over shoulder

Glossary of key terms

Navigating the care sector can be complex, especially with the multitude of terminology and abbreviations. Our glossary offers concise explanations, ensuring that everyone can communicate effectively and make informed decisions about the care of themselves, or their family or friends.

View our glossary