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How do I pay for my care?

4 minutes
A care assistant sits with a resident in the garden.

Navigating paying for care can be challenging. Our partners Legal & General have a Care Concierge Service. The service is made up of a team of dedicated care experts committed to helping you navigate an often challenging and difficult care journey. 

When you require care and support, the first step is a care needs assessment. During this assessment, social services evaluate your specific care needs. They consider factors such as your health condition, mobility, and daily living requirements. The assessment helps determine the type of care and support that would benefit you.

The amount you would pay for care will depend on the level of need and the number of assets you have.

Your local council will perform a care needs assessment to determine what help you are entitled to receive. Anyone can ask for an assessment and it is done free of charge.

The kind of services your local council could recommend will vary but can include things like equipment to help you, safety features to install at home paid care and local groups to attend.

For more information about care needs assessments and to apply, this NHS webpage on getting a care needs assessment may be helpful. 

Further to the care needs assessment from your local council, they will also do a financial means test.

The council will look at your income, savings, and any owned property to work out how much you need to contribute towards the cost of your care and support.

Find out more about the financial means test on the NHS website

If you’re considering a move to a care home, you may be wondering how you’ll pay for it. 

Paying for care can be complicated, so get as much advice as you can. Watch this video from Independent Age on paying for care in a care home. 

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